World 18 archive

Top players

the hobbit

Top tribe

Members: the hobbit, the2sportguy, swendog, byrdman, fdccrew, MikeMikelol12, Caedes, blunterpoet, bobbymack, xxmarinexx, tillwalley, jessgamer, MadMike, nodrog, safire, patf91, Kam-eX, lodaboy, born to kill, C.Thom17, nikrendo, maestro lee, Hawksea, Bullvye, PetHar, El Gran Conquistador, Dmt Euphoria, H3adHunt3r, Deadpool1775, GatorHawk, Emanpop, Eziemke, drunknpublik, Frosty The Man, Dezclasius, trandjel, tank1099, lord devin the 3rd, ym699, Kynky


Owned 250 villages first

on 08.01.2015 at 18:00

Owned 100 villages first

on 05.15.2015 at 21:46

Owned 2 villages first

on 01.02.2015 at 15:17

Score champion

Reached 1.000.000 points first

on 05.25.2015 at 12:45

Reached 10.000 points first

on 01.13.2015 at 04:44

Field Master

Defeated 5.000.000 units first

on 05.24.2015 at 03:47

Defeated 10.000 units first

on 01.02.2015 at 03:02